Money orders are used in lieu of checks or cash when you need to make a payment. Unlike checks, money orders can never bounce, making them a safer option for parties requiring large payments for rent or expensive items. Money orders are also a convenient choice for people who do not have checkbooks and prefer not to make a payment with cash. This article contains information about how to obtain a money order, fill it out, and give it to your recipient.
Part 1. Obtaining A Money Order
1. Decide on the amount of the money order. Many establishments will ask you to pay for the money order in cash. In some cases you will be able to pay with a credit or debit card
2. Go to your bank. If you have a bank account, the easiest way to obtain a money order is to go to the teller and ask for one.
Some banks may charge a small fee, but many offer money orders for free.
Some banks offer cashier's checks, which are similar to money orders. Make sure the recipient will accept a cashier's check before buying one instead of a money order.
Banks offer the benefit of keeping a record of your money order purchase, which could come in handy in the event that the money order gets lost.
3. Try local businesses. Drugstores, grocery stores, and places like Wal-Mart offer money orders for a fee. Visit a few different places and choose the one with the lowest fee.
Some establishments have a limit on the amount of the money order. If there is a cap, simply purchase more than one money order until you have the total amount you need.
4. Try the post office. Money orders issued by the United States Postal Service are usually replaceable if they are lost, stolen or damaged. The following benefits also apply to money orders purchased from the USPS:
They can be purchased with debit cards.
They are cashable in 29 other countries.
5. Consider purchasing a money order online. If you'd rather not purchase a money order in person, an online vendor might be a convenient choice. However, online companies usually charge steeper fees than local establishments. The leading online money order company is Payko, which caps daily money order purchases at just $200.
6. Try a money-oriented establishment. Western Union, credit unions, and other places that handle money usually issue money orders.
PART 2. Filling Out The Money Order
1. Check to be sure the amount is correct. The establishment that issued your money order will have printed the amount on the money order slip. Double check to make sure it's right before you end the transaction.
2. Decide where to fill out the money order. You may want to fill out the money order on the spot, rather than carrying it to another location. If the money order lands in someone else's hands before it is filled out, that person could fill in their own name and cash it.
If you do carry the blank money order to another location, keep in in a safe place on your person. When you get home, put it in a place where it won't get lost.
3. Fill in the "payee" blank. The first blank to fill in will say "Pay to the Order of" or "Payee." This is where you write the name of the person or company to whom you are giving the money order.
Use black or blue non-eraseable ink to fill out the money order.
4. Fill in your personal information. Some money orders will have a space for you to fill in your name and address or other information. If you wish to fill this out, do so in blue or black ink.
5. Fill in transaction information. You may want to add details about the nature of the transaction, such as the name of the item you are paying for.
6. Sign the money order. If there's a space for you to sign the money order, you may do so, although it can still be cashed without your signature.
PART 3. Paying With Money Order
1. First make a copy. Since money orders are often used to pay people you may not know well, it's good to keep a personal record of the money order in case a problem arises. Make a copy of the money order and file it with your financial records. Keep it with the receipt that came with your money order.
2. Hand it over in person. The best way to pay with a money order is to give it directly to the recipient. This eliminates the chance that it will get lost or tampered with by a third party.
3. Mail it in a business envelope. If you're mailing a money order, make sure it's in a security envelope, rather than a letter envelope. Packaging it discreetly will prevent someone else from getting curious and attempting to tamper with the money order.
USPS hold mail
Spam mail
USPS address change
USPS tracking number
USPS office hours
Part 1. Obtaining A Money Order
1. Decide on the amount of the money order. Many establishments will ask you to pay for the money order in cash. In some cases you will be able to pay with a credit or debit card
2. Go to your bank. If you have a bank account, the easiest way to obtain a money order is to go to the teller and ask for one.
Some banks may charge a small fee, but many offer money orders for free.
Some banks offer cashier's checks, which are similar to money orders. Make sure the recipient will accept a cashier's check before buying one instead of a money order.
Banks offer the benefit of keeping a record of your money order purchase, which could come in handy in the event that the money order gets lost.
3. Try local businesses. Drugstores, grocery stores, and places like Wal-Mart offer money orders for a fee. Visit a few different places and choose the one with the lowest fee.
Some establishments have a limit on the amount of the money order. If there is a cap, simply purchase more than one money order until you have the total amount you need.
4. Try the post office. Money orders issued by the United States Postal Service are usually replaceable if they are lost, stolen or damaged. The following benefits also apply to money orders purchased from the USPS:
They can be purchased with debit cards.
They are cashable in 29 other countries.
5. Consider purchasing a money order online. If you'd rather not purchase a money order in person, an online vendor might be a convenient choice. However, online companies usually charge steeper fees than local establishments. The leading online money order company is Payko, which caps daily money order purchases at just $200.
6. Try a money-oriented establishment. Western Union, credit unions, and other places that handle money usually issue money orders.
PART 2. Filling Out The Money Order
1. Check to be sure the amount is correct. The establishment that issued your money order will have printed the amount on the money order slip. Double check to make sure it's right before you end the transaction.
2. Decide where to fill out the money order. You may want to fill out the money order on the spot, rather than carrying it to another location. If the money order lands in someone else's hands before it is filled out, that person could fill in their own name and cash it.
If you do carry the blank money order to another location, keep in in a safe place on your person. When you get home, put it in a place where it won't get lost.
3. Fill in the "payee" blank. The first blank to fill in will say "Pay to the Order of" or "Payee." This is where you write the name of the person or company to whom you are giving the money order.
Use black or blue non-eraseable ink to fill out the money order.
4. Fill in your personal information. Some money orders will have a space for you to fill in your name and address or other information. If you wish to fill this out, do so in blue or black ink.
5. Fill in transaction information. You may want to add details about the nature of the transaction, such as the name of the item you are paying for.
6. Sign the money order. If there's a space for you to sign the money order, you may do so, although it can still be cashed without your signature.
PART 3. Paying With Money Order
1. First make a copy. Since money orders are often used to pay people you may not know well, it's good to keep a personal record of the money order in case a problem arises. Make a copy of the money order and file it with your financial records. Keep it with the receipt that came with your money order.
2. Hand it over in person. The best way to pay with a money order is to give it directly to the recipient. This eliminates the chance that it will get lost or tampered with by a third party.
3. Mail it in a business envelope. If you're mailing a money order, make sure it's in a security envelope, rather than a letter envelope. Packaging it discreetly will prevent someone else from getting curious and attempting to tamper with the money order.
USPS hold mail
Spam mail
USPS address change
USPS tracking number
USPS office hours
ReplyDeleteنقل عفش بالمدينه أمر مهم جدا وكلنا يبحث عن افضل شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة.عندما يتعلق الامر بشركات نقل الأثاث الخاص بك من مكان لاخر
نقل عفش المدينة المنورة فالموضوع قد يكون في بداية الامر بسيط بالنسبة لك وقد يكون في غاية الاهمية والخطورة وانت تستعين بشركة متخصصة في نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة منزلك لكي لا يتعرض للمخاطر الممكن أن تحدث في عملية نقل اثاث فلاثاث ليس فقط المفروشات أو الاجهزة المنزلية فقط وانما يمكن ان تكون قطع لها ثمن غالي.ونحن هنا في شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة نريد ان نلفت انتباهك للعديد من الاشياء التي يجب أن تقوم بها عند قيامك بنقل عفش منزلك وتعنبر هذة بمثابة نصائح مجانية لك اذا قررت أن تقوم بنقل الفعش بمفردك وتعتبر ايضا توضيح بسيط لما يكن ان تقوم بة نقل عفش بالمدينه المنوره من اعمال عند تواصلكم معنا
افضل شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة لتنفيذ هذه المهمة لك بكل سعادة. تهتم نقل الاثاث بالمدينة المنورة بعملية نقل العفش حيث انها تعد واحدة من افضل شركات نقل الاثاث وتضع فى الحسبان وفى المقام الاول التوفير لعملائنا الكرام والحد من عناء نقل اغراضهم حيث ان شركه نقل اثاث توفر طاقم عمل متخصص وحرفى فى عملية فك وتركيب الاثاث حتى نضمن عملية نقل اثاث بالمدينه المنوره سليمه ومضمون بدون حدوث اى خدوش او تلفيات .لدى افضل شركة نقل اثاث بالمدينة المنورة فنيين تركيب للغرف الصينى والغرف الوطنى كما اننا
نقل العفش في المدينه المنوره
نهتم بفك وتركيب الستائر وكل انواع المكيفات وشاشة العرض وكذلك فك المطابخ وتركيبها ولدينا سيارات مفتوحة او مغلقه .